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Willie Williams

Presidential Candidate
Willie Williams




B.S. Finance  Hampton University

MBA Arizona State University

National Experience:

President, NHAA, Inc.  2022-2024

Executive Board 2018 -2022

Nominations Chair 2018-2021

Regional Experience:

Mid-Atlantic Region 1st Vice President  2012-2022

Chapter Experience:

President, Northern Virginia Chapter 2014-2018

Vision Statements that Exceed 200 Words Risk Full Statement Not Being Printed on Ballot.

My vision for NHAA, Inc. continues to be threefold: improve the alumni giving participation rate, increase NHAA, Inc. local chapter giving to the University during reunion weekend, and enhance the relationship with the University to protect the great heritage of our beloved alma mater.  I will work with local chapters to increase their member participation and subsequent giving percentage to the University.  Equally, I will continue to work with the chapters to foster local fundraising best practices to collectively increase contributions to the University.

Alumni chapters across the country are doing innovative activities to increase membership and fundraising. I will continue to create an environment where information is shared to the betterment of the organization as a whole. 


I believe that as the active membership of our organization is seasoned in age, we must recruit and nurture more young alumni participation in the organization to ensure its viability in the future.  Succinctly, I believe (as do you) that Hampton University has played a vital role in my life and I/(we) have an obligation to give back so future generations can share in the Hampton Experience we enjoyed during our tenure.



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