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Hampton Chapter Activities

December 2016

Hampton Chapter was a participant in the city’s Holly Days Parade on Dec. 10th.  Riding in a beautifully decorated SUV, alumni waved to the crowd on the streets of downtown Hampton.  Thanks to John and Storm Melvin for providing the vehicle, lights, and other decorations. Appreciation to J. Clarey and H. Shackelford for helping to decorate and for supporting this event.

February 2017

Thanks to chairman, Jackey Meyers, the Hampton Chapter celebrated MLK Jr. Day by collaborating with the staff of the HU Museum to support their children’s membership program, Tree House.  During the program on February 4th, approximately 15 children listened to a story about the life of Martin Luther King, Jr.  As the children completed a step in their art activity, Chapter members and volunteers assisted them as they worked creatively. Refreshments were provided by the Chapter and coordinated by Hospitality Chair, Yvonne Ray.   

About 40 Chapter members and friends participated in Hampton Chapter’s Game Night on February 9th.   Dominoes, Pokeno, Scrabble, and other games were available for play.  Those attending enjoyed a complimentary buffet of several varieties of pizza, salads, beverages, and desserts.

On February 12th, Chapter members and guests worshipped at Memorial Church on the HU campus.  Chapter Vice-President, Linda Ellis, presented a check from the Chapter to Chaplain Debra Haggins in support of church programs and projects.  Following the service, the group dined at a local restaurant.

April 2017

On Thursday, April 14th, the Hampton Chapter held its annual Academic Recognition Celebration during which the five undergraduate seniors with the highest grade point average (GPA) from each school in the University were honored.   The students received a framed certificate signed by the Chapter’s secretary and president.  After all honorees from a school were called, a group picture was taken with the Chapter President.  Students who received scholarships from the Chapter were also presented.

June 2017

The Annual Chapter Cookout for Friends & Family was held on June 10th in the shade of the great Emancipation Oak.   Attendees dined heartily on fish, chicken, hotdogs, hamburgers, numerous side dishes, beverages, and bountiful desserts. Great conversations and good music were the order of the day.



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